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National Beta Club History

The National Beta Club was founded in 1934 by a group of educators who wanted to recognize and promote academic achievement, leadership and character development, and community service among high school students


The National Junior Beta Club was later developed in 1961 to foster this type of growth in grade school students.  The National Beta Club is now serving hundreds of thousands of students in grades five through twelve.


Millions of students have benefited from their experience in the National Beta Club or National Junior Beta Club.


Headquartered in Spartanburg, South Carolina, the National Beta Club continues to recognize outstanding students and to reward their merits through a variety of programs and mediums.


Each school established its own local criteria for membership at the local level.  Through the Jr. and Sr. level Beta Clubs, members demonstrate the ideals of character, leadership, achievement, and service by practicing our motto, “Let Us Lead by Serving Others.”


If you'd like to learn more about the NBC, click below: 

Tarheel Homeschool Beta Charter


The Tarheel Homeschool Beta was chartered on July 6, 2016. The club serves 9th thru 13th grade homeschooled teens. Sponsors for this charter are Mrs. Braren, Mrs. Baker, and Mrs. Westfall. 


If you would like more information about ...

As of the Aug 2016 inductions, the club consists of:

3 Juniors

2 Sophomores

1 Freshman


Tarheel Homeschool Beta motto:


"Coming together for a greater good."


THBC is now ACCEPTING applications for fall 2017

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